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A 2023 full of trade shows dedicated to the refrigeration

Industrial Frigo will take part in many trade shows during 2023, here you will find our team and our industrial refrigeration solutions

The year 2023 is full of events and trade shows related to industrial refrigeration and plastic and metal processing, key sectors for Industrial Frigo. The company will be exhibiting at major trade shows around the world to present the latest innovations and most efficient solutions for temperature control in industrial processes.

Taking part in international events means for Industrial Frigo consolidating the company's presence in the world industrial refrigeration market and step forward towards growth and innovation. For this reason, the company will take part in the main trade shows in Europe, South America, Asia and the Middle East.

In summary, the trade shows in which Industrial Frigo will taking part:

MECSPE: Bologna March 29 to 31 2023, event dedicated to innovations for manufacturing and Industry 4.0. We look forward to seeing you at the Eurostampi - Macchine e Subfornitura Plastica, Gomma e Compositi hall, to present our environmentally friendly chillers for plastic processing. Our team awaits you at booth E53 Hall 36.

VINITALY: Verona April 2 to 5 2023. Industrial Frigo will participate as BRIF - a joint venture with Bonera Refrigerazioni - specializing in the production of wine and food industry refrigeration systems. We will be in the Enolitech pavilion at International Exhibition dedicated to viticulture, olive growing and beverages technological supply chain. You will find us at booth A6 Hall F.

SAUDI PLASTICS & PETROCHEM: June 12 to 15 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This is one of the most important trade shows in Middle East for plastics and petrochemicals industry. With over 10,000 visitors, Saudi Plast is the ideal showcase to present our chillers and integrated systems for industrial refrigeration.

PLAST: September 5 to 8 in Milan is the most prestigious and important trade show in 2023. The International Exhibition for the plastics and rubber industry takes place every three years in Milan and gathers more than 60,000 visitors worldwide. You will find us at PLAST in Hall 24.

ARAB PLAST: December 13 to 15 2023, the international trade show for the plastics, petrochemicals, packaging and rubber industry in Dubai, it is a must-visit destination for everyone involved in the plastics industry.

Industrial Frigo will participate as a co-exhibitor or through international distributors in other numerous exhibitions dedicated to plastics such as:

PLASTICO BRASIL: March  27 to 31 2023 in São Paulo

EXPOMIN CHILE: April 24 to 27 2023 in Santiago de Chile

EQUIPLAST: May  30 to June  2 2023 in Barcelona

PRO-PAK ASIA: June  14 to 17 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand

T-PLAS: September 20 to 23 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand

PLASTIMAGEN November  7 to 10 2023 in Mexico City

PLASTEURASIA November  22 to 25 in Istanbul

Our staff will at all these events be pleased to welcome you and will be on hand to present our new lines of refrigeration units, temperature control, integrated systems and customized solutions related to industrial refrigeration sector. We look forward to seeing you!

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