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Growing by creating value: Industrial Frigo on Platinum

Our company's long experience in the industrial refrigeration sector told in the insert attached to "Il Sole 24 Ore".

The November issue of Platinum, the prestigious magazine attached to "Il Sole 24 Ore", dedicates a long article to Industrial Frigo, including it among the stories of winning entrepreneurship. The article describes the constant growth in the industrial refrigeration sector starting from the concept of flexibility. As our CEO said, Industrial Frigo has been able to adapt to the needs of the market thanks to the know-how built over time and this concept emerges very clearly in the Platinum article.

Flexibility and adaptability, characteristics that have driven the growth of Industrial Frigo, are widely reported in the pages dedicated to us through the words of Daniele Penocchio: "Since the nineties, we have crossed the borders of the Bel Paese to land on the markets first in Europe and then worldwide and this strong orientation to internationalization has rewarded us in terms of business volume". Penocchio adds that, with a view to flexibility, Industrial Frigo has opened various branches and divisions around the world.

Not only flexibility, but also attention to sustainability, issue that a company operating in a sector such as industrial refrigeration cannot but consider primary. In fact, the Platinum article reports Industrial Frigo's desire to seek perfection also in eco-sustainability, emphasizing the company's constant search for solutions that guarantee the lowest energy impact while ensuring high performance.

For Industrial Frigo it is always an honor to be present on the pages of a magazine that for more than 25 years has been reporting on Italian excellence and the best of the Italian entrepreneurial scene.

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