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New Refrigeration System for Ottoman

Ottoman chose our company for an innovative efficient refrigeration system, optimizing space and energy consumption.

Ottoman, a Brescia-based company with more than 70 years of excellence in brass machining, chose Industrial Frigo for its new refrigeration system dedicated to managing temperatures throughout the production chain. Facing the challenge of optimizing space, we developed, designed and implemented an integrated refrigeration system with low energy consumption. This system, connected via a complex water distribution system, serves the numerous presses located within the company. The decision to place our innovative SIREG on an outdoor mezzanine structure ensures extraordinary efficiency, turning the organization of space into a distinctive strength.

The SIREG is an integrated cooling system that operates with low energy consumption, able to adapt to a wide range of ambient temperatures, from +45°C to -25°C. Its high efficiency and limited environmental impact are ensured by an innovative winter safety system, which eliminates the need for glycol. In addition, thanks to the integrated Free Cooling, it is possible to maximize the performance of the refrigeration cycle and reduce the cost of cold water production during less hot periods, providing significant energy savings.

A special feature of SIREG is the plug-and-play system, which allows for quick and easy installation without the need for masonry work. This feature contributes significantly to reducing cooling system connection costs and simplifies the installation process.

To learn more, contact our team of experts, they will be on hand to assist you at all stages, from design to installation, providing 24/7 technical support service. In addition, we offer immediate support service, allowing customers to contact an expert directly via phone, email or online meeting platforms, minimizing downtime.

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