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Refrigeration and thermoregulation for die casting

Industrial Frigo, leader in the temperature control and industrial refrigeration, offers a wide range of turnkey solutions for metalworking.

For more than 50 years, Industrial Frigo, which has specialized in chiller’s desing and turnkey industrial refrigeration systems, offers efficient solutions for metalworking cooling procces. Aware of the key role that proper temperature control plays in die casting, Industrial Frigo's engineers team has developed several lines of pressurized water and oil-filled temperature controllers that can regulate temperature with extreme precision to achieve high quality products. Our temperature control units for die-casting plants provide precise and effective mold preheating and cooling for up to 18 independent zones. Being able to integrate up to 18 different temperatures with the same machine, the temperature control units connected to the mold will thus be reduced to a minimum.

The thermoregulation and refrigeration systems designed by Industrial Frigo comply with the industrial automation of Industry 4.0 norm: they permit maximum flexibility in adapting to all production lines and remote service activation is guaranteed. In addition to productivity increase given by intelligent automation, Industrial Frigo has focused too on energy efficiency.

Industrial Frigo in addition to designig and manufacturing systems for industrial refrigeration and temperature control, it is also in charged of the installation and start-up of the system. After conducting a feasibility study, our experts will take care of all aspects, including the implementation of chilled water distribution plumbing systems within the plant.

Industrial Frigo leading manufacturer of systems and units for temperature control in the plastics and metals industries offers a wide range of solutions for different production sectors besides die casting. Indeed, the company can boast of a range of different products such as temperature control units, chiller, cast cooling tanks, dry cooler, air dryer, softeners and water treatment systems.

To find out more about all temperature control and refrigeration units available for the metalworking and die-casting industries, contact our sales department from the contact section; our team is always available for additional information.

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