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Refrigeration systems for die casting made for Foma Spa

A successful collaboration with Foma, a leading aluminum processing company, continues.

In its continuous search for cutting-edge solutions in the industrial refrigeration sector, Industrial Frigo has recently successfully completed the realization of a custom-made plant for Foma, a leading metal processing and aluminum die-casting company based in the Brescia area.

This project is an excellent example of how Industrial Frigo's innovation and experience can be integrated to meet the specific needs of each customer.

The plant developed by Industrial Frigo for Foma was designed to ensure optimal performance, energy efficiency and maximum reliability. Key features of the plant include the synergy between the water booster units and the cooling towers, which feature advanced PLUG&PLAY technology. This one-piece system ensures quick and easy installation, reducing downtime and optimizing overall plant efficiency.

Thanks to high-quality internal exchangers, the water used in the cooling process reaches high levels of purity, contributing not only to the proper operation of the plant, but also to the useful life of the machinery used in the production of die castings. Industrial Frigo's careful design made it possible to customize every aspect of the unit, ensuring seamless integration with Foma's specific needs.

In response to the customer's requirements, Industrial Frigo developed a complex hydraulic system, including both external and internal lines to ensure efficient distribution of the refrigerant fluid. The downflows to the utilities were precisely designed to ensure constant and controlled flow, helping to optimize Foma's entire production process.

Industrial Frigo once again demonstrated its ability to adapt to specific customer needs, creating customized units and successfully integrating them with existing equipment. This synergy between the two companies not only significantly improved the performance of the refrigeration system, but also helped solidify the partnership.

You can see some salient features of the plant in the new video made at the production facility of Foma Spa, whom we thank for their cooperation and time.

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